… or at least that’s what seems like is going to happen soon, although after Boris’s announcement, it seems like crowds are getting bigger, we have to learn to cope with the virus but we still need masks in enclosed spaces.
All we really know is having had our freedoms curtailed for over a year things are going to change, with ministers proposing to lift many of the remaining restrictions in England on 19th July.
The details set out last Monday, have sparked intense debate, in families, between friends and our patients and team and we are still waiting for some ounce of guidance from our governing bodies.
Whatever happens later this month, there are many things that the pandemic has bought us over the past 18 months or so that are here to stay : air filtration, video consultations, pre-appointment medical questionnaires and other remote methods such as dental monitoring for invisalign.
There are others which we are all longing to see the back of: poorer communication from distancing, high-level PPE, and poorer appointment availability.
It is important to remember that our practice will be both guided by the best practice standards of our governing associations and YOU – our patients.
There will be many of you longing for the return of a lovely chat with our team members at the practice, along with the hugs and laughter we’re so known for, whilst others will still be wishing to wait outside in their car and not quite ready for that ‘close contact’ yet.
As some have loathed the wearing of face coverings, which makes communication and emotion more difficult to understand, many will be comforted by the wish to still wear them.
We have seen the benefits of the filling out pre-arrival forms, getting rid of the dreaded Clinipad and speeding up the patient flow, but have understood others have struggled with the online forms and will need help, we are still here to help you
Our team will be mindful of the above, and this next phase will see us continually adapting our services to provide an experience to you – the patient – which you feel comfortable with: you need a hug, when we can we’ll be happy to give you one: you want to wear a mask, no worries – please wear one, we will still be wearing ours. Please keep an eye on your emails which will keep you up to date. For now things will remain pretty much the same.
Whatever happens it’s important to remember, as a community we get through this next chapter together – happily, helpfully and healthily.
As always: stay well and stay off the sugar.
The team at Crown Street Dental Group