March News

We hope this month’s newsletter finds you well. Here at Crown Street Dental Group we are certainly enjoying the slightly lighter nights and brighter mornings. Spring is in the air!

We hope you enjoy this month’s newsletter. Please remember our team here are always at hand to answer any questions you may have.

Children’s Dental Health

This month we will be focusing on Children’s Dental Health, a subject which is obviously very important to us.

Maintaining a healthy mouth is crucial for little ones – but why?

Around 23% of five-year-olds in the UK have had tooth decay, as a parent, you can create good oral health habits by encouraging your child to brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day from an early age. We would advise an adult to assist with at least one of the brushes a day until around the age of 10.

Regular Dental Exams every 6 months are crucial in creating good life time habits and reduce the need for extensive dental treatment.

If you know your child has not seen us in the last 6 months. Please contact the Practice in the usual ways to book an appointment before the end of March.

Charity and Sustainability 


At the beginning of the year, we set up a Charity and Sustainability committee. We all got together and put forward charities we felt close too that we would like to raise money for. The Hospice of St Francis was selected for this year and the committee have been working hard on our very first fund raising event.

Our first fund raiser for The Hospice of St Francis is going to be a raffle. The ladies have really surpassed all expectations with the prizes available. So far, we have

·         Invisalign treatment*** 

·         £100 voucher from Figo restaurant

·         Free month membership Spirit Health Club Brentwood

·         Leon Lewis Chef – mushroom walk and book

·         Hair Company Crown Street – cut and blow dry

·         Skin Clinic Essex – Consultation and treatment with Hannah

·         ZO skin health consultation with Katie

·         Hot stone massage – Billericay

·         Tooth whitening***

·         Stock Brook Farm Shop hamper

·         And more!

***clinical assessment will be necessary to ensure you are dentally fit and eligible for treatment

The raffle tickets can be purchased via reception and cost £2 per ticket or £10 a strip.

We would like to raise as much money as possible so please do spread the word. The draw will take place on 16th June via Facebook Live and the winners will be contacted directly after so please do follow our page HERE


As well as raising money for a worthy cause, we have also been looking at ways we can become a more sustainable practice. We have implemented some small changes such as swapping plastic cups for paper ones, swapping our coffee capsules for Grind recyclable pods, we have also switched to a company called Albus for the disposal of our Clinical waste. Their ethos is more in line with what we would like to achieve this year. You can read more about who they are and what they do by clicking HERE.

Recipe of the Month

With St Patricks Day this week, we thought an Irish theme was in order for this month’s recipe. A quick and easy pudding with just 5 ingredients.


150g unsalted butter , plus extra for the ramekins200g dark chocolate (70% cocoa), roughly chopped90g golden caster sugar3 large eggs90ml Guinness or other stoutclotted cream or thick double cream, to serve (optional)



Butter four 9 x 5cm ramekins and set aside. Tip the butter, chocolate and a generous pinch of salt into a heatproof bowl. Set over a small pan of just-simmering water and stir until melted, then remove from the heat and leave to cool a little.


Put the sugar and eggs in a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric whisk until pale, almost doubled in volume and thick enough to leave a trail when the beaters are lifted up. Gently fold in the melted chocolate and the Guinness. Spoon the mixture into the ramekins, then chill in the fridge for 1 hr. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and put a baking tray on the top shelf to heat up.


Place the ramekins on the hot baking tray and bake for 18 mins. Remove from the oven and leave to stand for a minute, then serve with a dollop of cream, if you like.


We do love your feedback!

We really do enjoy reading your lovely feedback via Google or Facebook. Every month we go through the comments at our Monthly staff meetings. It allows us to see where we are doing well and where we can improve further. Please do keep them coming. If you would like to review us please use the links below.

“I have just completed my invisalign treatment followed up with composite enamels. I am beyond thrilled.For many years I have had issues with damaged enamel and teeth that had moved and crossed after teenage treatment with a brace. In 15 months I now have beautiful teeth that feel amazing and protected.Not only am I pleased with the way they look. Crown Dental and especially Genevieve and her team have been wonderful and reassured me the whole time. Listened and talked me through the process. Fantastic I whole heartedly recommend them.”

Free Scan and smile assessments

Book with our Treatment Coordinator for a complimentary scan and smile assessment via our Whatsapp 07415784421

or alternatively via our live Chat on our website.